The City of Santa Monica has been working on a General Plan update for the past few years, and it is finally ready to be submitted. This plan will guide the city’s future development over the next 30 years, so it’s important that we have input from everyone in our community.
The city of los angeles general plan is the document that outlines the policies for development throughout the city. The General Plan must be updated every 8 years.
Many essential variables may be evaluated via an elaborate and thorough procedure.
Rachelle Rickard, City Manager of Atascadero
Soon to be released! The City of Atascadero is happy to announce that it is now time to begin the process of updating our General Plan, so stay tuned for additional information in the coming months, and be sure to express your ideas and have your say in shaping Atascadero’s future!
We have the chance to examine key variables such as our community’s anticipated long-term growth, available resources, resident health and safety, and a host of other vital subjects throughout the lengthy and comprehensive General Plan Update process. We will be able to assess our community’s values and reflect on previous policies as a result of this approach. This document will serve as our “roadmap” for where we want to be in 20 years and how we want to get there.
We’re going to get through this together, Atascadero
As a quick history lesson and chronology of how our City has been conceived and developed so far, consider the following:
- E.G. Lewis, the founder, designed and founded the Colony of Atascadero in 1913.
- 1968 – The County of SLO approved a General Plan (GP) for Atascadero, which was unincorporated at the time.
- The Atascadero GP upgrade was approved by the County Board of Supervisors in 1978.
- Residents of Atascadero vote overwhelmingly in favor of incorporation in 1979.
- The GP was revised by a newly elected Planning Commission in 1980, and again in 1992.
- The current GP for the city was approved in 2002, with minor revisions in 2004, 2008, 2016, and 2021.
The present General Plan for Atascadero has components that may be likened to chapters in a novel. Each aspect includes an overview as well as a set of Goals, Policies, and Programs to manage development while conserving resources and community quality until 2025. We’re approaching what’s known as “General Plan buildout,” in which our city is achieving many of the aims and objectives set out in 2002. Our population has already surpassed 30,000, and it is past time to reconsider policies that continue to govern future development, resource usage, and economic trends.
The city must establish a “comprehensive, long-term General Plan for physical development” as required by state law. Our revised General Plan will contain policies and strategies for the City’s land use and development distribution and character. The General Plan must include the seven state-mandated components of Land Use, Open Space, Conservation, Housing, Circulation, Noise, and Safety as the community’s “blueprint” for growth.
A considerable amount of public engagement, numerous public hearings, and an extensive environmental assessment procedure are all part of the updating process. We anticipate the whole process to begin this year and continue through 2022, with ultimate adoption around mid-year in 2023. The city’s development and policy goals will be forecasted in the new General Plan through 2045.
The updating process must include a strong and inclusive community involvement approach. We will have a very visible and all-inclusive outreach to enable us connect with and collect feedback from as many community members as possible, using a variety of locations and platforms at different times of day. There will also be online participation alternatives available to ensure that those who are unable to attend in person are involved in the process.
We’ve created a project website at that will offer up-to-date information to anybody interested in learning more about the process, how they may participate, and how to sign up for project updates. This online platform will complement our numerous social media and in-person outreach efforts, allowing every Atascadero resident, business owner, and property owner to participate in visualizing the future of our beautiful town!
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] for additional information on this or any other subject connected to the City of Atascadero.
As an example:
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The general plan elements are the guidelines for how a city will be developed. This is important because it helps to provide a sense of what is expected and what can be done in planning for future development.
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