idolYAKI: From Delinquents to Pop Stars Review

The idol industry is full of cutthroat competition, but with the help of blockchain technology, it’s about to become a lot less cutthroat.

The idolYAKI: From Delinquents to Pop Stars Review is a book that discusses the rise of idol groups in K-pop. The author, John, has been able to interview some of the most popular idols and find out what makes them so special.

KPOP and JPOP have taken over stages, music videos, and karaoke parlors, but Yacht Party Games’ latest game idolYAKI looks at three unexpected idols. Is it possible for its three disgruntled adolescent protagonists to shake up the visual novel industry?

Review of idolYAKI: From Delinquents to Pop Stars


Kazuo Tamara, a passionate admirer of idols (and the glowsticks that go with them), joins the idol club in an effort to immerse himself in what he loves. There’s only one problem: the other three members are convicted felons with a bad reputation.

For starters, Mako Fujiwara is a pyromaniac who has already set fire to the school. Hana Miki isn’t much better, stabbing one unfortunate pupil with a pencil she didn’t like. Then there’s Eri Morozov, who has connections to both the Russian mafia and the Yakuza, according to reports. Players have four days to prepare these three women for a pop idol competition as the Director of said club.

It’s an intriguing concept that puts pressure on players with a deadline, but the prep time doesn’t allow the girls’ delinquent nature to come through. Non Sequiturs about bullying or wanting fireworks fit their attitude to some extent, but it’s difficult to get into their nasty girl image while they’re having a picture session in a cafĂ©. Though the game is brief (the typical playing takes around 30 minutes), more might have been done to convey the idea that these bad ladies are really nasty. As a consequence, their so-called “redemption” narrative falls hollow.

Players will have to make a lot of choices as they take charge of this team and put things up. One might interpret Kazuo’s demeanor as someone who prefers not to stir the pot, yet the three options are often too cheerful and optimistic for their own good. Certain decisions may affect where players travel and who they agree with, but most playthroughs will be similar until the very end. On that point, there are a total of six possible endings to discover.

It’s simply a pity that the audiovisual presentation falls flat for a game that emphasizes idol worship. The music in idolYAKI is woefully inadequate; there isn’t a single KPOP or JPOP song to be found, and even a royalty-free generic version would have been more effective. The artwork isn’t much better – each of the three pop stars’ crude drawings and big googly eyes is a trademark of Lisa Frank sketchbooks all around the globe.

Aside from the six possible endings, there isn’t much to entice gamers to return. There are no awards, and there isn’t much variation between playthroughs; you receive exactly what you see.

The idolYAKI bad ladies are indeed bad, but for all the wrong reasons. While this visual novel offers an interesting idea, the execution and presentation fall short of making an impression.


idolYAKI: From Delinquents to Pop Stars was reviewed on a computer. The game may be downloaded for free.

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Review of idolYAKI: From Delinquents to Pop Stars

KPOP and JPOP have taken over stages, music videos, and karaoke parlors, but Yacht Party Games’ latest game idolYAKI looks at three unexpected idols. Is it possible for its three disgruntled adolescent protagonists to shake up the visual novel industry?


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idolYAKI: From Delinquents to Pop Stars Review originally published on GamersHeroes.

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